Focus On Christophe Boch
I chose to feature Christophe for this Focus On because his photographic style is refreshingly progressive. While we typically avoid images with exaggerated structure, Christophe's personal technique is exceptional and always unique. We love exploring different styles and spirits, so now I'll hand it over to him:
It's often difficult to me to find the words when I was ask to explain my Photographic Universe, and Especialy that "So Particular" style I put in the actual Photography Landscape. Usualy I was ask about technic, but for me technic comes in a second time only when I paint my Photographies. Yes like a said, I paint my Photographies, I don't edit them... It's totaly different in the Philosophy I bring throught my Photography Art.
I would particulary thanks my dear Friend Batsceba Hardy who told me "Ok" when I ask here if I can express myself "freely" in this interview.
Pearaps, I would really thanks again Progressive Street Photography, because like you know, my style will sweat perfect to the term of "Progressive".
I was born as a Medium, so since child I "See" and Fell some invisible things who surounded us. That's the reason my work is a real Mystical process and initiation in Other Worlds and Universes as thoose who we usualy know.
"Reality" like you cold that, isn't Real !
That's a fact ! We are All a Product of Cosmos before being childrens of Hearth. And my Cosmic vision, is Simply unique. I speak about cause it's important, but I was nursed by a Dog when I was a Child. So I have the Vision of an Animal, not as a Human.
When I start in Photography, I was working Only in colors, but always using the same Artistic Process, let my Soul play and Paint my works. I'm just the Eye who catch the Scenary. That's all, All who come after is my purest mystical Soul Expression. Without technic. Only Feeling. Feeling and only feeling. Cause if you look good at my works, You will see much more than just "One" Photography. You will find an Infinite numbers of differents pictures in just one of my catch.
Concerning the "Magic" that's most difficult to explain. I bring often High contrasts, Deep blacks, and Whites, always chasing Light in each catch, to bring out of my Pictures, What I see as Medium with a Cat Eye, and I'm sure of one thing, you Feel my Photography, before You watch it... So I let you try the Experience, to find in Yourself a Totaly other Dimension in your Own Art. That's what a teach to my Students. To dive deeper in their photos, to Bring out a Real Dimension and Show something more than just a pic.
I'm just a Visionar, before being a Photographer.
That's All.
If you want to know more, Feel free to contact me my Dear Friends.
An Other point I want to add, I try to use modern technology to bring out the Essence as The Giants like Cartier Bresson, Daïdo Moriyama, Marc Riboud had in their works at the All begining of "modern" Photography. Like I usualy say, I don't make photography, it's Photography who make me.