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Los esquiladores de ovejas by José Ríos

Esta cuadrilla de esquiladores rumanos viaja durante unos tres meses por toda España, de finca en finca quitando la lana a miles de ovejas. Es un trabajo muy duro, se hacen una media de 250 ovejas diarias terminando exhaustos. Esta labor es superbeneficiosa para los animales, se suele hacer todas las primaveras y la oveja se libra de parasitos y bichos de todas las clases evitando que contraigan multiples enfermedades

This team of Romanian shearers travels through Spain for about three months, moving from farm to farm to shear wool from thousands of sheep. It is very demanding work, with an average of 250 sheep sheared daily, leaving the workers exhausted. However, this work is highly beneficial for the animals. It is typically carried out every spring and helps the sheep get rid of various parasites and bugs, which in turn prevents them from contracting multiple diseases.

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