Anne Launcelott
a purist photographer
Even if what I am photographing is a “slice of life” I always look for the beauty in it
Anne was born in Nottingham, England and immigrated to Ottawa, Canada with her family at the age of 3. Halifax, Nova Scotia has been home for over 30 years.
She received her first camera, a gift from her father, at the age of 14 and has had a love affair with photography ever since. She has always pursued a variety of artistic expressions all her life and attended the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD) from 1978 until 1983 majoring in ceramics.
For over 25 years, Anne worked mainly in black & white and set up a darkroom to develop and print her own work. Since 2005, she has made colour photography the main focus of her artistic expression after being introduced to Miksang contemplative photography by its developer and teacher Michael Wood. "Miksang" is a Tibetan word meaning "Good Eye". Michael best explains it by saying "The "good" part is that our world, just as it is, is inherently rich and vivid. The "eye" part is that working with the practice of contemplative photography, we can tune into these qualities of our world." There is nothing she loves more than going for a walk, camera in hand, being totally in tune with the moment.
Anne's work is inspired by people and the themes of everyday life. Her thirst for travel takes her to countries where the cultures are totally different than her own. Anne wants her photography to say something about life and the human condition but also have them be visually pleasing. She wants to draw the viewer in by telling a story through her imagery.
Anne's greatest influences have been Jay Maisel, famed New York street photographer, and Steve McCurry, one of the all time greatest photojournalists. She also admires the work of photojournalist Peter Turnley, French Canadian photographer Laurent Guérin, and of course the father of street photography, Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Anne has had numerous successful solo and group exhibitions and has had photographs chosen for publication. In November 2012, she was elected to the Society of Canadian Artists (SCA) and in 2015 her B&W photograph, "Face at Window", Havana, Cuba was chosen Best of Show for the SCA's National Open Juried Online Exhibition.
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Presence, a female exhibition.
11 photographers portray reality in search of traces. Traces of an invisible past or present. Traces of feelings, hopes, disappointments and fears. The 11 images are accompanied by a number of objects that somehow testify both to their presence and absence. Objects which may/may not help tell of themselves, so subtle the links, not easily defined: merely a presence. This is an exhibition of souls.
Turmi village Ethiopia
Omo valley Ethiopia
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
I do not like a photo that has been over manipulated; has too much vignetting, is overly clarified, or has had the background darkened to remove all detail in order to produce a dramatic look.
I want to capture an authentic scene, so if the subject matter is looking posed or uncomfortable, this shot will not work for me.
Inle Lake Myanmar
Bagan Myanmar
Shan State
Sariakandi Bangladesh
Stylet Bangladesh