Size:29.7 x 21 cm / 108 pages
Keef Charles is an Englishman, who lived in various places during his childhood and youth and travelled extensively for work. However he only discovered his passion for photography later in life, and so this book on Kolkata and Varanasi is his first sericus photographic encounter outside of Europe. Because of his travels and how living abroad opened his mind, he approached his Indian adventure with an acute awareness of the socio-economic contrast. Unwilling to be a tourist with a superficial view on things, he shares his visual, olfactory, and emotional experience as a photographer, as one who loves to observe and capture something that makes him think, makes his heart beat. Charles does not attempt to reproduce the expected or most well-known concepts, instead he seizes a moment and captures a feeling, he finds the extraordinary in the ordinary, which is more sensational. Through stunning images that are not only striking for their vivid spontaneity but also their universal representation of humanity, he weaves his own stories, fit for a bock... just like this one.
Batsceba Hardy
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