It’s still on the move. Epicentres are changing: China, Italy, the USA and now Latin America.
Death and destruction left in its wake. The fight still ongoing. People still at risk. Masks still evident, for a while, at least.
As a community of international photographers, we went through this together; sharing the streets and life as we saw it.
Among 186 images our Batsceba Hardy, Bogo Pečnikar, Delfim Correlo, Edita Sabalionyte, Fabio Balestra, Frans Kemper, Jay Tanen, Keef Charles, Lola Minister, Marco DM, Neville Fan, Orlando Durazzo, Theodoros Topalis have voted for these photos:
The Winner

Richard Keshen

Avi Itzhaki
Third (s)
Fourths (s)

More than one vote

If we had to choose just one photographer who diarised the change in moods, the changing scene day on day, the joy and sorrow, hopes and fears, it would be Fabio Balestra.
Be it the nature of his job, his love for his faithful wingman dog, or just his passion for the streets, he was out every day. Early morning, journeys to and from work and again late at night; he captured with soul and equanimity the effects of this virus.
He caught in frame the fear, the apprehension. With a disarming charm he drew the hopes and smiles still to be found. He captured the mood of home, his small town in northern Italy.
Fabio Balestra’s is a stark, yet beautiful testament.
Keef Charles
Fabio Balestra

Fabio Balestra Selfie