by Bruce Saille
People protesting candidate Donald Trump's visit to Milwaukee, WI in March of 2016
Men wearing gas masks at the protest of Donald Trump's visit to Milwaukee in March of 2016
Protesting the KKK's visit to the Capitol in St. Paul, MN in March of 2016
All of these photos are from the same event, President Trump visiting Snap on Tools Corporation in Kenosha, WI on April 4th 2017.
Trump supporters were on one side of the street and protesters were on the other side of the street. Sometimes the two sides would intermingle and then there would be confrontations.
The picture of the boy holding the sign is a reference to that the protesters were being paid. The picture of the girl, I like because of the concern she seems to be showing when chaos erupted around her.
March for Science, St. Paul, Minnesota
There were many cities across the nation that participated in the first March For Our Lives on March 24, 2018, this is from the Chicago march.
Almost 3yrs. before the Dobbs decision, protesters gathered on the steps of the Capitol in Madison, WI in May of 2019 as part of the Stop The Bans movement, which advocates for safe, legal, and affordable abortion options.