by Martin Ingber
Yesterday your wish came true- the disgraced ex-U.S. president Donald Trump was in court here in NYC to be arrested & arraigned for illegally paying off a porn star, Stormy Daniels, for sex, so that voters in the then upcoming 2016 election wouldn't learn about it. Many New Yorkers turned out to express support for this unprecedented indictment, believing that, in America, "No one is above the law", and even the rich and powerful should be held accountable for their crimes.
There were also some die-hard Trump supporters present, and plenty of police to keep the two groups separated. And unlike some previous, ugly Trump-inspired demonstrations, there was no violence.
Legal consequences can take time, but in addition to the current indictment, trump is now facing a rape trial; as well as the likelihood of upcoming indictments for various crimes including election interference in Georgia; and Trump's role in the attack on the U.S. Capitol and attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election -all in the coming weeks and months.