What is 'Project 2025', and why are so many Americans alarmed about it?
As The New Republic warns, Project 2025 is “a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist’s paradise.”
A manifesto of the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 proposes what is essentially a ‘Christian Nationalist’ vision of the United States, in which the most powerful nation in the world operates based not on Democracy, but on the religious beliefs of Evangelical Christianity.
This concept is completely contrary to the bedrock principles of the U.S. Constitution. It is a plan in which women's reproductive rights are severely limited; all pregnancies must be carried to term, even if that requires coercion or death; married heterosexuality is the only valid form of sexual expression and identity; transgender and gender-nonconforming people do not exist; and much more...
The Affordable Care Act (Health Insurance), Medicare, and Social Security would be cut or eliminated, along with union rights and worker protections.
Project 2025 calls for dramatically expanding the powers of their president; dismantling the Department of Education, the FBI, the Environmental Protection Administration, and many other key agencies that provide for the common good; extravagant new tax cuts for the wealthiest; widespread attacks on women’s legal rights, including divorce, contraception, and access to abortion medication; banning pornography; and replacing thousands of the civil servant specialists that staff government agencies with trump loyalists.
Many Americans are justifiably alarmed by the threat posed by these proposals, as well as the many others that are not referenced here. Donald trump, (a criminal already convicted of rape and 34 other felonies), who advocates many of these same policies, has just urged his supporters to restore him to the Presidency, ominously promising voters that if they elect him this November, “You won’t have to vote any more after that, we’ll fix it…”