Eric Davidove
a photographer who loves quirky and humorous moments and people
I like images that are unique, fresh, and creatively composed.
I am a California native street photographer who currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area, and started taking street photography seriously in March 2015. My time spent as a street mime comes in handy, giving me the ability to anticipate street moments and be there with my camera as they happen, and to take photos without being noticed or upsetting people.
Two awards in the 6th International Photography Contest and Exhibition. The second place award was for the Street Photography Category, Juror Vineet Vohra (@vineet_vohra). The third place award was for the Emotions in Monochrome Category, Juror Mala Mukerjee. Photography Club of India
12 Street Photographers on The Best Leica Camera by Ellyn Kail on July 20, 2023
I use this camera with a 35mm prime lens. It’s light with a small form factor (helping me to blend in and get less noticed) and has the ability to use a variety of different lenses.
I mostly enjoy the zone focusing capability, rangefinder experience, simple and intuitive menu system, the internal hard drive in addition to a card slot, and the very long battery life. Bottom line: This camera provides a “film-like” experience with digital benefits, which helps me focus more on composing photos rather than on operating the camera.
This photo, along with photos from 40 other talented photographers, will be on display at the Soho Photo Gallery (NY New York) starting 13 July, as part of the 2023 National Competition.
Eric Davidove
Depressed (deflated) man sits slumped against shutters whilst someone in a massively inflated suit skips past. The face of the suit is neutral, the emojis on the breast range from happy to sad but the character seems comical, providing stark contrast in mood. Moreover, the street seems grey but ‘Mr Inflatable’ whiter than white and large enough to steal attention from much of the frame. This is a powerful image. Davidove’s picture is a treat of archetypal street juxtaposition.
Keef Charles
The photos I avoid shooting are the photos that I think most people will make.
On the 2022 top 40 list for L.A. Photo Curator & N.Y. Photo Curator: Global Photography Awards- 'Where Photography & Philanthropy Meet