the self-portraits in the street photography
in the street
The self-portrait is one of the favourite visual motifs for artists, often giving us a glimpse of reality and the creator.
It has been said “That in every image, there is a little piece of the artist”. Certainly there is no truer statement, when we see the reflections of the artiste entwined amongst the imagery.
The painters have always produced self-portraits in the photography of old. Nearly all of the classic photographers have created self-portraits, whether accidentally or on purpose.
Today, in an era in which exists a tremendous amount of “Selfies” every day, it is natural to wonder if the artistic self-portrait still makes sense. Where is the line drawn between modern vanity and art?
So let's talk about ‘self portrait as a concept’ and within street photography. To me it is something very special, it always draws a smile when we see an artisan at work. The street photographer is often found accidentally at the scene of the crime. We tend to lean into the image, probing for more clarity of the image and shutterbug. So is this what the artist wants?
The self-portraits of Vivian Maier immediately come to mind, but she was not the only one. Often her self-portraits were conceived as casual, but wanted, staged...
street self portraits
Joël Sueur Self, Paris, 1973
I am not a psychologist, I do not want to talk about narcissism, but I can only say that photographers or artists who have never portrayed themselves, are a rarity.
With the advancement of digital technology, it has never been easier to incorporate ourselves into the story.
I would just like to express my doubt: selfies are no longer self-portraits, but rather images that people realize of themselves by chance. I put it to you that it is nothing more than a perennial presentation and identification, without a real meaning anymore.
But this is something we can all reflect upon…
I and myself by Batsceba Hardy
Self Portrait Challenge
With this challenge, we are looking for street images whereby you the photographer are a part of the story.We want you to produce a piece of art in which you the creator makes an appearance, that is the challenge!
We do not want your images reflected in unlikely places, your artistic shadows. We want you in the story you are telling!
Incorporate ourselves into the story!
Many classic and street masters have done this to immortalize themselves and to give the viewer a tantalizing glimpse of the artiste.