by Batsceba Hardy
Berlin! ...Prenzlberg...
In Berlin I changed several apartments, still in the same neighborhood.
In the first I looked out on an avenue and the houses in front were very far away, but I always had the sky available. Inside, I could see life in the opposite apartments: the man without a television, the young couple. Smells … colors …
The last apartment gave me beautiful sunsets. And a lot of life. People passing by, people stopping. And inside the windows of solitude.
But what I will always remember as 'my home' was the one in which the house opposite gave me interesting stories, like this one I'm telling you about.
The two boys were certainly 'smoked' and they listened to Dire Straits...
The strangest thing is that when I came down they were always there and they greeted me, but I never met them again and they never appeared again in those windows.
Inside the courtyard, one night I saw a man cleaning the kitchen, it was four o'clock and I called Martha. We imagined that he had killed his wife and cut her to pieces ...
The house has been uninhabited since that night on ...