Rosenmontag in Mainz
by Rainer Neumann
I hate carnival. Ever did.
Except being a child of course.
While working in Mainz as a sound engineer, I had also to broadcast the events of carnival and that kind of work was one of the reasons I left the city later.
2016 Street Photography came into my life and made me change my opinion about several things. Perhaps carnival could be an opportunity to catch some good pics? More like a story than the single shots I usually do?
In 2018 I decided to travel back to Mainz to the famous „Rosenmontagszug“.
That's the event on Monday before „Shrove Tuesday“ where about 8800 participants join the parade and about 500.000 people come to visit the city, watch the parade and have a party in the streets.
The parade exists since 1838.
It starts traditionally at 11:11 o’clock and will end around 5 pm.
You will see musicians, standard-bearer, horses, cars with several political themes, and, and, and…..
And of course, all the people joining the parade on a length of 7 km in the historic center of the city of Mainz.
As I guessed It turned out to be a perfect location to see and watch people and document german life on carnival.