"A year on the street of the World"
Cover by Karlo Flores
A photo gallery chosen by some members of the Gang among some Progressive Street Galleries on FB
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year “on the streets”!

Abrar Asad
Images chosen by Frans Kemper:

Mike Perez
Images chosen by Alphan Yilmazmaden:

Irina Escoffery
Images chosen by Niklas Lindskog

Delfim Correlo
Images chosen by Neville Fan:

John Rudio
Images chosen by Andrea Ratto:

Gerri McLaughlin
Images chosen by Stefania Lazzari:

Fran Balseiro
Images chosen by Fabio Balestra:

Magda Fulger
Images chosen by Keef Charles:

Rahuł Deý
Images chosen by Frans Kemper:

Jannie Liong
Images chosen by Edita Sabalionyte

Bogo Pečnikar
Every city in the world always has a gang, a street gang, or the so-called outcasts. - Jimi Hendrix
The language of the street is always strong. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The streets were dark with something more than night. - Raymond Chandler
The streets are full of admirable craftsmen, but so few practical dreamers. - Man Ray

Ardie Santos
Interludes chosen by Batsceba Hardy