The new shopping
by Never Edit
The so-called "New Normal" after the outbreak of the virus also involves a new way of shopping. Something that had been so ordinary and easy suddenly became restricted and complicated.
Nobody had ever liked the stores to be crowded but the new emptiness also brought a kind of confused loneliness with it...
And is money infected and contagious?
Is packed food safer?
Should I wear gloves?
Will business ever return to the way it was before?
Who will help me when they only let one person into the shop?
Should I buy large amounts in case of another lockdown?
Do I need to wash and disinfect everything I bring home?
How long will the queue be this morning?
Do I also need to cover my eyes and ears?
And how safe is it to go out anyway?
Yet people will adapt, as they always do. Until the day we're all waiting for when the infection rates go down to almost zero and it will feel strange *not* to wear a mask anymore...