curated by Deepbrata Dutta
Kolkata young street photographers
curated by Deepbrata Dutta
As we are in 21st century, technology and its use have rapidly evolved. The liquidity and flexibility have increased and this means that there are more people doing things. Nowadays young photographers are much into social media photography but there are also young photographers who are touching sky in this field due to their passion and eagerness to learn. Young photographers are even discovering several new techniques which are amazing the viewers and which are adding new pages to the book of Photography.
Deepbrata Dutta
Aranya Bhoumik
The Quarantine Couple: Formed this short story in my visit to my aunt's house. As I started to notice their its and bits moments in a day. And how they enjoy even the smallest thing as sitting together over a cup of tea. Which made me think, Maybe we can miss the time of quarantine once it's gone. It's better to enjoy the moments we have now.
A novice in the field of Physics and an enthusiast in photography from India. Originally based in the northern part of West Bengal, But spent a lot of time in Kolkata for studies. This small journey has started back in 2013 as I took the admission for my Bachelors and given my first smartphone. since then tried a few of the genres as Macro photography, Creative Photography, Landscapes and what not. But the search for new stories often leads me to the streets. I like the experience of photography as it lets me witness beautiful moments in time and frame them for people to see.
Arkadeep Mitra
I am Arkadeep Mitra, a 20 year old photographer from Calcutta. A very disillusioned engineering student, I find myself often indulging in photography to escape the realities of life. Though I've refused to conform to any particular genre, you can usually fine me in the streets looking through the unlikeliest of angles trying to frame the unlikeliest of pictures.
1- The thing is, I think I can write and come up with a whole world of ideas and stuff when writing about myself: my life, my dreams, my joys and my sorrows. But when I actually sit down and try to pen it down, nothing ever really shows up. It boggles me. It really does. But then I guess I don’t really have a lot of things to talk about. I mean, at the end of the day, I’m still only a twenty year old university-attending kid (not so much nowadays, obviously). I’m just another one of those boys who’ve been thrust into studying subjects he doesn’t want to; books he doesn’t enjoy reading. It’s a pretty sad life, if I may say so. I mean at least till this moment, I don’t really know what I wanna do. My parents are pretty confused too. They don’t know what to do either. I guess what they say is true: “You’re lost, boy.” Indeed, I am.
2- These days, what I do is, I watch an insane amount of films every single day. And it’s not just limited to the American big-budget blockbusters - in fact, I hardly watch Hollywood - I see pretty much everything I can possibly lay my hands on: Taiwanese films, films from Iran, John Woo action flicks, German Expressionism; you name it and it’s highly probable that I’ve already seen it. Anyway, my point is, since I’m so horribly lost and all, I spend a pathetic amount of time watching films. It was all during this fine endeavour that I first came across Wong Kar-Wai’s “Chungking Express.” The film was alright. It was pretty dope. But what really struck my imagination (crucially) was this one protagonist from the movie: Faye.
3- To tell you the truth, I kinda fell head-over-heels for this girl, Faye. I mean, I really did. I crushed on her so badly, it’s pathetic. But why shouldn’t I? So she’s this sweet and bubbly twenty-ish waitress in a late-night fast-food centre, and she’s also ridiculously good at her job - cleaning the place and serving food. She’s very attractive and most importantly, she keeps listening to The Mamas And The Papas’ “California Dreaming” all the time on a loudspeaker. I mean, when I say “all the time”, it is indeed ALL THE TIME. She says “it keeps her from thinking so much.” She’s right, of course. Trick your mind; that’s the trick. Interestingly, it also tells us one of the more important aspects about her: her dream. No prizes for guessing. Yes, the dream is to visit California. Oh, by the way, she’s from Hong Kong.
4- Now if I think about it clearly, I think the reason why I like Faye so much is probably due to the fact that she’s so much like me. I mean, looks aside - I’m ugly; she is the prettiest - I did find some similarities between the two of us. Of course, one of them (and the major) reason is that we share the same discontentment for our surroundings. It’s not like the things around me suck so bad; it’s not that bad honestly. But like she comments in the film, “I had to know whether it’s sunny or rainy in California,” I too have to know if things get any better from this absolute nadir of life I find myself in. She wanted to go to California. I want to go and see Hong Kong. That’s my dream. I know it sounds stupid. But really, that is it.
5- Like I said before; my parents don’t really understand. I mean, all I do the entire day is sit in the bad with the laptop open in front of me, watching films, reading books, playing video-games. They probably think I’m a good-for- nothing. I don’t think they’re wrong though; they’re right. Right now, I’m in fact a good-for-nothing. I won’t be denying that. But what I sometimes really feel like doing is going up to them and blaming all my shit on them. They are to be blamed (partly) in all honesty. I mean, I didn’t go around specifically insisting on studying engineering - in fact, I clearly stated that I didn’t wanna do it - and now, when things aren’t being very easy for none of us, they make me take all the blame?
6- Guess what though? I’m twenty now, and I’m old enough to stand up to them. I mean,at the end of the day, I’m the one who is living my life. Why the hell should I listen to what others think about me? I don’t give a fuck now to be very honest. What I think now is that one’s personal happiness and satisfaction is what is of the utmost importance. You can take whatever suggestions and criticisms others have for you and do stuff what they want you to do, and I don’t think you’ll ever be happy if you do that. Sure, things might get comfortable for you. But what about fulfillment? You think you’ll get that if you only listen to what others have to say? I don’t think so. And I don’t I’ll be listening to them anytime soon either.
7- I won’t be pushed around. I will not let others dictate my life. I’ll only do what I please; whatever makes me happy. I have been so depressed and so very sad for way too long now. It’s time to grow out of my disillusionment and live the life I dream of (it’s gonna be very difficult though) living. I am gonna stand up and take notice of my own aspirations. What I eventually plan to do is make a living out of things I genuinely enjoy doing. I have realized that what they say is in fact the truth: “Life is too short to be doing something you don’t enjoy.” I am gonna stick by my guns now, no matter how challenging the road is. I choose to live. And I choose to live happy.
8-But then again, I don’t really know what I wanna do. Or wait; maybe I do know what I am talking about. I think I just wanna enjoy life. Doing that, I wouldn’t mind visiting places I want to visit; like Hong Kong. I just want to enjoy the smallest things, and the little moments. I want to be free. I want to be happy. I wanna feel content. I want to be satisfied. I want fulfilment. I want to live life. I choose to live life. I’ll do all that, maybe after another two years or so, when I’m actually done with this stupid BTech degree. No shit, I gotta follow my dream.
You can contact me and view more of my works here:- Facebook Instagram 500px
Dipanjan Chakraborty
My name is Dipanjan Chakraborty. I am 22 years old, I live in Kolkata. I have completed my graduation last year and now I am preparing for Civil service. I am a Kolkata based street and documentary photographer. I have been documenting Kolkata for the last 2 years. As a photographer, my perspective remains to explore street photography as a key to reach the common people and their lives.
People of Kolkata are insane about Photography, lots of photographers are working on it, but to some extent, we all are united by a common term, that is 'Kolkata'.
Kolkata is a congested city, too many people, too many vehicles are there. That is why pollution or it may be termed as a smoggy environment is very much photogenic and colours of land and people through this fog is a very interesting thing which I find.
Photography is the face of social structure. Photography definitely has a social function. While I document or photograph the people of Kolkata, I want to portray the socio-economic structure of them.
I love to tell stories through my lens. Every frame tells a story but when we create a story within a frame, it makes the frame more beautiful. Juxta is an interesting thing to do, but I find storytelling more attractive than juxta.
People of Kolkata are normally camera-friendly, they generally don't create any difficulties while we are moving among people. But sometimes people get curious about what we are doing or why we are taking pictures of them but otherwise they don't create any problems.
My photography journey is not so long. But after being a street and documentary photographer my course of life has entirely changed. I have started photography in 2018. But I have had a craze for photography since my childhood , whenever I could get a mobile or camera from anyone I would always try to capture my surrounding people and their daily life. I love to see photos daily , in social media I used to watch various kinds of pictures from different countries and different photographers that helped me to increase my knowledge.
When I make a plan to go out for a shoot at first I used to make a research on that particular subject or project on which I am going to do my work, then I used to make a plan on that particular place and time when my shoot takes place , because time is more important in street photography. But sometimes when I go out with my equipment I capture various candid moments on the street and Kolkata is a city which never fails a photographer with its various moods and moments.
The northern part of Kolkata is my favourite place to shoot rather than the middle and southern part of Kolkata. Because North Kolkata has more potential. In north kolkata there are so many traditional buildings which bring an ancient culture , the people , streets of North Kolkata brings an essence of traditional old culture , which I find more interesting rather than modern culture of South Kolkata , though I live in south Kolkata.
Kolkata is a city where a photographer can find various projects in all 12 months in the year. September and October is the month of celebration for the people of Kolkata because the biggest festival of Kolkata Durgapuja normally happens in the month of October. In the month of September there is a place called Kumortuli where Durga idols are getting prepared and in the whole preparation of Durgapuja starts from the month of September. There are very few festivals in India as big as Durgapuja , so definitely it is very crucial to me right now.
People from different regions are able to know about this project and its vastness at Kolkata.
I am using a Sony A6000 mirrorless camera right now. I have used a DSLR earlier but mirrorless is giving me such a great output, especially in low light mirrorless is a revolution.
I just want to give a tip for your readers, that is please do visit Kolkata , because I don't know how much the city there in the world is potentially like Kolkata. Maybe it is an exaggerated statement but Kolkata never fails to amuse you with its various moods and moments. And especially the people of Kolkata and their activities and daily lifestyle makes the city more animated. I think the depth of subject and content makes a project interesting. Generally, I prefer candid moments in street photography. While I work with people and I shoot them, I used to capture all the time candid moments because the natural reaction of people comes out when he doesn't see the camera in front of him, if they get aware about the camera in maximum time natural reactions or natural activities does not come out. But there is a difference between documentary and street photography. In documentary photography there is a chance to get a directorial shot where my subject is aware about my presence with the camera in front of him.
I think a picture is captured in our brain , a camera is just a device to print that image which has been captured in my brain. That's why many times I make plans for my shots and I make the composition in my mind. But sometimes the picture comes out without any plan because there are lots of candid moments in the street which are constantly creating. I like both colour and black & white pictures. But I feel that colour image portrays the nature and colourful clothes of people but black and white image portrays the soul of the people. I do not give much time in post-processing, I do post-processing a little bit like retouching but nothing more than that.
Kaustav Gangopadhyay
I am Kaustav Gangopadhyay (AKA Kaustav Ganguly in social media). I am doing my PhD in biological sciences from IISER-Kolkata. I am an amateur photographer who tries to click human interest.
I have a love towards knowing people and talking to them, hence I love to do people photography, specifically looking into human interest. I describe myself as a naïve learner who has just put his baby-foots in the field.
Photography in Kolkata is growing with time. The names of photographers from the city have been in the winning list of different prestigious photography awards like HIPA, Sony Photography Awards, etc. Recently, photographers from the city and around have also been part of Magnum Photos as well. It can easily be said that the new generation is highly motivated in photography and a good pool of photographers will come up soon from Kolkata. Photographers in Kolkata are highly connected as the seniors play a vital role to motivate, show the way to the juniors and the friendly relationship help everyone to grow together.
Colours give vibrancy to a photograph. Since I love clicking peoples, it’s necessary to acknowledge the colours and the bondage of every festival in India with colours. But, to me, I see the world more in Black and White rather than colours as I find it more soothing to capture the expression of the people around which eventually can change a very usual moment to an extra-ordinary one.
The world is having a dynamic shift every day in terms of socio-political scenario. From, Black lives matter in the US to CAA/NRC protest in India, it has taken the ground for a longer time. Hence, documenting every moment is one of the sole works of photography to let our history know the truth. Photography has helped in the development of many tribal areas which would have otherwise destroyed with time. Even if we look into the works of Ansel Adams on the Sierra Nevada, this clearly shows how photography can play a vital role in the social changes. Hence, its more important to showcase the truth than the happiness, colourfulness and joy as clicking the melancholy mood can eventually help in the development of the society.
India, specifically Kolkata, is a place of different people with a different kind of behaviour. The moments, layers and people activity are the sole part of most street and documentary photographers. But eventually juxta-photography in India as well as Kolkata is getting a rise with the help of Vinit Vohra, Rohit Vohra and Subrata Dey. But in my opinion, I still find clicking people and creating a moment with them satisfy my photographic thirst more but obviously juxta till date have a fanbase and I find it quite interesting as well.
Initially, I was not opened up to click people and used to miss a lot of good moments which eventually I find many people could click easily. Recently, with the help of Joydeep Mukherjee, I find it easier to communicate to people and click their candid moments and this communication finally help me to get together with them which led them to be easy with me as well.
I started using DSLR back in 2012 from my friend and learned the nitty-gritties from her. In 2017, I bought Nikon D5200 and my first trip was to Buxa Tiger Reserve in North Bengal, India. I did a lot of birding starting from crested serpent eagle to Wreathed Hornbill. But with time I find my interest in the street and the lanes of Kolkata.
Dhritiman Mandal

Notun Jibon is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) distributed relief to one of the Amphan struck places in the deltas of Sundarban. Amphan is stated as the worst cyclone seen in years which caused the destruction of many rice fields which was the only source of income for many families in Sundarban areas. Notun Jibon delivered reliefs at different places of Sundarban. On the 9th of September 2020, we went to the district of Chandipur to distribute relief. From Kolkata we went to Godkhali where the real journey began. We loaded the boat with packets of rice, cereal, vegetables and oil. We also distributed sanitary pads and sewing machines to those who can use them, which was arranged beforehand. After reaching our destination we unloaded and distributed the relief with maintaining proper sanitation. While others were busy distributing, one of the members interacted with kids which helped us in a great way. The smiles on their faces show how much they were in need.
I am Dhritiman Mandal, a 18-year-old Kolkata, India based photographer. I shoot mostly street photography while covering events across Kolkata.
I have tried my hands on different genres of photography but street photography is what I find most challenging and that's what I usually do. Yes, there's definitely unity among us that brings us together as a community. We really connect to the emotion of Kolkata that brings us all together. We love colours, Kolkata is the city of joy and India is best known for its colours.
I think photography can have a social function. And we photographers try to tell our stories without a lot happening. It’s kinda our style. We don't have problems moving around people. In fact, people make way for us sometimes.
Pushpak Kundu

I am Pushpak Kundu. I am from Kolkata. I am studying Electronics and communication Engineering from BBIT college, Kolkata. Photography is my hobby. I love to do street and travel photography. I am doing photography from past 2 years. I just love to play with light and shadow through my lens. I go to new places and it opens my eyes to different things that I haven't seen before. Everything from colours, to silhouettes, to patterns - it just comes from everywhere. I love street photography but I do travel photography as well. See Kolkata is known for best Streetphotography hub in India. So the majority of photographers are based on the street in Kolkata, and I really like their work. Yes, there is some reason that unites all of us because of the culture, the place and while we do photo walk. Yeah, using colour in photography correctly helps draw attention to the subject and therefore creates a powerful visual effect that is pleasing to the eye. I am interested in showing the social reality of my country. I feel like the street is all about showing the truth and the emotion of the street. So this is how I am trying to show the pain and the emotion people living in street and trying to document them. Juxta is not my part of genre and I always love to show stories and documentary. In my view telling stories are more important in street photography because the street is all about motion, emotion, the lifestyle is all about candid. In the beginning, I fear to approach the people. But now after 2 years of photography for me it's normal to approach any unknown person.
Soumadri Chowdhury
Cultural harmony and rising tension: Looking back at Chinese New Year celebrations in Kolkata
As we spend the days at home, locked down in uncertainty, we get time to introspect on the days that have gone by, and one such significant memory is my first-hand experience of the cultural diversity and inclusive nature of my city, Kolkata. With the rising tensions across the border and the Indo-China relations turning sour, the Chinese settlements in Kolkata are also facing fearful times under such situation. They are now citizens of this country, intertwining the local cultures and lives with their own, they are all a part of us. Over the years, the city has heartily accepted all cultures and faiths and turned out into a huge conglomerate of unique cultures and festivals. Hence this photostory is to look back at the good times, the times of being together in harmony. As a citizen of this city, intrigued by the uniqueness, this year I decided to make a photo story on the Chinese New Year celebrations held in the Chinese settlements of Kolkata. On the eve of the Lunar New year, the Chinese settlements in Kolkata get decked up in string lights, red lanterns and traditional decorations. The locals gather on the streets, dressed in bright dresses, filled with glee and usher in the New Year with pomp and splendour. Before the clock strikes midnight, the people gather in the temples and churches, indulging in music and celebrations, bursting firecrackers and have a merry time. The next morning sees the main part of the festivities. The people from the community gather at the temples to seek blessings for a prosperous year ahead. As the sound of the cymbals and the tanggu (Chinesedrums) intensifies, a hefty number of on-lookers and people gather around to join in the festivities. A number of processions by different clubs start from here, going around the neighbourhood, visiting the local temples,churches and residences. The otherwise mundane streets brighten up with activity and joy, people of all ages and kind come down to be a part of the festivities. A number of processions by different clubs start from here, going around the neighbourhood, visiting the local temples, churches and residences. The otherwise mundane streets brighten up with activity and joy, people of all ages and kind come down to be a part of the festivities. The procession gradually makes it's ways through the bylanes, stopping at residences to collect blessings and rewards. Integral part of the procession is the lions and dragons, the young people who wear a traditional mask with another carrying the long flowing costume.
Cai qing, meaning plucking the greens is a part of the Chinese traditions, where the Hong bao (red envelopes of money) are given to the younger ones on this day. They form a human ladder, climbing upon each other's shoulders as the one dressed as the lion reaches out for the envelope and the money, which are hung down by residents from the windows, along with lettuces. It is a unique sight, seeing the trust and bond they have as they confidently make these human towers.
The Lion Dance Dressed in lion costumes, they dance on the streets, bursting firecrackers which are believed to ward off evil. The festivities are a sight to behold and appreciate the uniqueness and inclusiveness the City of Joy, Kolkata has to offer.
Sudeb Chowdhury
I am Sudeb Chowdhury from Kolkata. After completing my degree in Civil Engineering, I decided to pursue my long time hobby of Photography. I love telling stories that I see in front of me. My love for street photography comes from this. I also love documenting events as the ability to freeze moments gives me immense joy. Kolkata has a vast number of photographers. And most of the young bunch is unique and have their own styles. What unites all is the love for our city and the passion to tell its stories. Colour is obviously very important. It makes a frame more real and communicates better with the audience. Absolutely, photography does have social function. A beautiful image always brings joy to the viewer. I personally love juxta and try to do it in my own way. Since I want them to be absolutely unique, there might be deficit in its quantity.
I had a fear in the beginning and I think with time, the fear goes down, things become easy and one learns to communicate among the people which definitely helps.
Suparnojit Sarkar
Street Life at Bandel, India has changed over these few months. Very few people could be found in the streets. Mostly people go out for essential daily work. People are found wearing masks which was uncommon before the pandemic. Only a very few people roam in the streets just to see the daily progress of the own.