Yuval lives in a bus
by Anat Shushan
This sounds like a great title for a children book. Except for Yuval, this is real life.
6 years ago, after traveling the world for many years and living in numerous different locations all over the world and in Israel, Yuval was about to buy a plane ticket to India. He’s heard the travel voice calling him again. But then his life path changed and a few months later he found himself, after a lot of hard work (!) living on a bus he single handedly renovated.
He was born 45 years ago in a c section and after many challenging hours for his mom.
As he jokes, he says that even then he knew being born into this world is not going to be easy so he didn’t want to come out.
The connecting thread throughout his whole life is not following the herd, he always looked for the sideways.
After a challenging army service, his starveling started, on and off, for about 20 years. He lived in Germany for a couple of years, in London, South Africa, Mexico and in between spent his time in Israel including living on a beach for a year.
In the summer of 2015, right before going to India, a good friend of his came up with the idea of buying and renovating an old bus to live in. Yuval bought a nice land, a bus and started putting his heart and soul into renovating the bus. He had no specific plan in mind, just went with the way things worked out.
3.5 months later, in the beginning of the winter, he moved in the bus.
Today, he hardly ever leaves his impressive breathtaking kingdom. And why would he? It is located in a stunning location, overlooking a beautiful valley, isolated and privet and yet close to civilization.
He has everything you have in a normal size apartment, only smaller and wisely planned. The driver sit is now his work space, the seats space is now his living room, he has a really nice kitchen, a shower and an ecological toilet and a bedroom in the back of the bus, were the cool kids usually sit.
Spread all over the bus there are items connected to his family, which sounds like a really great one. He even has his mom’s old camera, a lovely old Minolta that seems to still work perfectly (I had to check it of course).
His beautiful 2 cats keep him company and fill his heart, he eats most of his food from fruits and vegetables he grows on his land, produces electricity with Solar panels he put on the top on the bus, he is not controlled by banks and mortgage and relies mostly on himself to create calm and un dictated life.
He really does love his life and wishes that many people will follow him and embrace this way of living. I can totally understand, even with the challenges living like this brings, why would someone choose this way of life.
I think this is a brave choice, mostly because it really is so different from the way many people choose to live nowadays. Doing this really says “Hey, this is me. Take it or leave it”.
One thing is for sure, planet earth thanks Yuval and others like him that prove that anything is possible…
Our Challenge: if you’ve got a story you can tell in just a few shots, send it to us at Progressive: (progressivestreetphotography@gmail.com) This is a great chance to express yourself in a special way. You must have had sessions or days where you’ve got a real good feeling about how a story has played out. Could be people you tracked for a while or a day at an event. Your call. Let your pictures tell the story. Share it with us, no less than 5. We’ll share the best on our Website! But remember that words are also important for communicating sensations and your thoughts