The nature of societies is located in the looks.
by Rafael Ibáñez
En realidad, la naturaleza de las sociedades se ubica en las miradas.
Las cosas, las personas, el ritual de lo cotidiano y de lo extraordinario, aparecen y desaparecen con un click de la cámara. Reseteando los escenarios, en apariencia externos a mi, con el anhelo de verme reflejado en las fotografías, y así poder entender la vida, el Yo, no el psicológico, sino el cultural.
Actually, the nature of societies is located in the looks.
Things, people, the ritual of every day and the extraordinary, appear and disappear with a click of the camera. I reset the scenarios, apparently external to me, with the desire to see myself reflected in the photographs, and thus be able to understand life, the Self, not the psychological Self, but the cultural Self.
Buenas tardes,
Tras pensar sobre la propuesta de Batsceba Hardy, en la cual se invita a remitir una pequeña serie de fotografías, acompañadas de texto, me atrevo a remitir este correo a Progressive Street.
Espero que las fotografías sean de vuestro agrado. Rafael Ibáñez Tejero
Our Challenge: if you’ve got a story you can tell in just a few shots, send it to us at Progressive: ( This is a great chance to express yourself in a special way. You must have had sessions or days where you’ve got a real good feeling about how a story has played out. Could be people you tracked for a while or a day at an event. Your call. Let your pictures tell the story. Share it with us, no less than 5. We’ll share the best on our Website! But remember that words are also important for communicating sensations and your thoughts