1- Are you a professional photographer? No
2- Why street photography? I'm an urban beast, who likes to find beauty and interesting images in my environment. Maybe street photography is full filling my hunter-gatherer instincts.
3-What do you look for in an image? The graphic side-compositional organization of the frame, and overall balance, use of light, positioning of the subjects and their postures, possible story one can deduct
4-Where in the world would you most like to photograph? I was lucky to spend a few days in India,but with other tasks and only had my first digital point and shoot camera on me... I would like to go back one day and of course NYC, maybe Istanbul…when I see beautiful images from our Israeli friends… it seems Jerusalem is an enchanting place…
5-Who would you most like to photograph? You (B.H)
6-Your favourite street image of your own to date and why? A hard question… it depends on my mood, certain personal or emotional attachments, but to be honest also the way it is accepted by the beholders and other photographers if I have to name a single one it would probably be the one I named “blue sport shoes” and also posted in the group
(but you didn't seem to like very much)... It was my first shot, containing all the elements I appreciate.
blue sport shoes
7-Your favourite piece of equipment? Another hard question… I'm not a huge gear head and use an Aps sensor DSlr of an almost obsolete brand-lately with a single 21mm pancake lens…well, following the rule “the best camera is the one, you have on you” I must mention my multi-purpose bag, with dedicated gear compartment and enough space for all the personal paraphernalia-even a rain jacket or a light sweater…which makes my photo walks really comfortable and I seldom leave the house without it.
8- Is photography art? Not necessarily. It depends on the author's approach and intentions.
9- Black And White Or Colour? When I first started shooting street it seemed BW is it's natural language. However I love colours and we see in colours. Moreover I've noticed that many contemporary (mostly American) street photographers have embraced the colour media. And totally consciously decided to go that way myself to try conveying my way of seeing the world in a totally naturalistic way only by framing and choosing the moment (which I often happen to patiently wait for minutes). If I decide for BW I usually do it on the spot, so I can adjust my settings accordingly.
10-What are your thoughts on editing? I think some editing is necessary and welcome…..considering I shoot RAW. I edit all my photos. Respecting the documentary aspect of street photography. I keep within basic parameters-ones that were also possible in analogue darkroom.
11- Why do you share with Progressive Street and who would you like to see showcased from Progressive Street? Well, photos sitting on disk are of no use... so, a few years ago I started posting on a Slovenian photo-oriented site, to show them and check their value with fellow photographers. As the site was oriented in very general photographic sense, there was all kind of photos from landscapes and still life to street… I was googling for some street oriented sites and came across this Fb photo groups. I soon joined one (wwspc). But there were more... many more I guess there are about 10 street photography groups at the moment… many of them containing snapshots of random people in the streets, to be honest-well maybe converted to Bw… when browsing and following fellow photographers I've noticed that Progressive is most probably the strongest and most ambitious-doubtless the most progressive of them all… I was kindly accepted so, here I am… As for the second part of the question it's another hard one. So my choice would be a Jerusalem based photographer Ohad Aviv.