Lola Minister
an eclectic nanny photographer
Lola Minister, an artist who never wanted to show herself, is a creator who plays with the macabre, science fiction and literature, using photography as a brush to paint the surreality of her own world. Having grown up in the English countryside of Kent she left the chickens and family small holding behind for the glitz of the USA’s West Coast. After a few years living on that side of the Atlantic she heard the call of Europe once more and relocated to Paris, France and subsequently to the Côte d’Azur, where she creates the stuff of her imagination and dreams.
I am a nanny. I like to be inspired by other people’s shots. I like to go out and try new and different things. Perhaps improve on something I have done before. I think it is easier for a woman to shoot street. I smile if people see me and avoid eye contact as much as possible. I tend to shoot from the hip on the move.
Lola Minister – 3° Nostalgia Colour ProgresFestival 2023
Lola Minister – third prize in Artistic category 2022 - ProgresFestival, Milano, Ottobre
Stood stock still, arms firmly clasped behind his back, this bedraggled, barefooted man appears calm at first glance. Lola Minister, however, understands there’s more to this than his quiet demeanour suggests. Look at the tempestuous sky of fire and storm she’s created, the murder of crows, the powerful sense of dystopia in this modern world. All is not well in this mind she tells you, in her powerful depiction of solitude.
Keef Charles