Mikael Carlsson
a street photographer without categories
I was born and raised in the south of Sweden, half Danish, but has lived in Stockholm for the last 20 years. I’m an associate professor in zoology at Stockholm university. As the job doesn’t really stimulate my need for creativity I like to fill my spare time with more artistic projects, i.e. photography. The passion for photography started early but I only got more serious about photography some 6-7 years ago when I bought my first “real” camera. Even though I mainly shoot digital I have recently started shooting film. No matter what camera or format, i usually prefer to view the world through a 50 mm lens equivalent. I don’t want to limit myself to street photography, actually I don’t like to be categorised, but also enjoy portraits, social documentary, conceptual photography and more. Why limit oneself when everything is photographable. Even though I frequently roam the streets of my hometown I always feel more motivated and inspired, and I’m much more productive when travelling to new locations. When exploring an unfamiliar city with open eyes, you are more observant to unpredictable events. Some of my favourite cites that I frequently return to are Berlin, Palermo and Lisbon. Most of my work is in black and white but every now and then I edit them in colour if I think it adds something to the image. Often I just think colours distract from the main object and story. Pictures that I like most or those that evoke questions but don’t give any answers.
My sources of inspiration are e.g. Daido Moriyama, Anders Petersen, Diane Arbus, Leticia Battaglia and Ernst Haas. I also find photographic inspiration in paintings, movies and music.