Palenque the “Wet Market”
by Ardie Santos
In today’s modern living where everything is readily available in just a click on the mobile apps, it is a big surprise that many people still patronize the wet market. Despite the overwhelming smell and huge crowd of people, wet market is definitely still alive.
While supermarkets are more convenient and hygienic, some people prefer the Wet Market for the reason that this is where they can get freshest produce and products at a very reasonable price. Even those that are not locally harvested are available in some stalls. It’s also a good way of saving since shoppers can purchase only the exact size and amount that they need. They can even make a special request on how their meat and fish to be done.
Shoppers and sellers get acquainted after some time which practically started with shopper’s haggling ability and seller’s convincing power. Often than not, these people will end up being friends. This is something that online deliveries and supermarkets do not offer – human interaction.
This sight is very familiar to me and brought me nostalgia. I’ve witnessed and experienced this at a very young age. On Saturday morning, I had to wake up early to accompany my mother to ‘palengke’ to buy the cheapest and freshest produce we can find. The noise, unpleasant smell, narrow hallways, the dirty floor is not fun at all. It is an agony to anyone at my age. However, it is a different scenario for kids who are with their grandparents. The Wet Market also serves the playground for some kids. This is where their olds spoil them with those sweets and toys that their parents would say no to.
The Wet Market also became a venue for some tourists who want to experience local life and food. Good food is tested by time and is normally found in small shops within the Wet Market hence foodies would also squeeze themselves in this crowded place.
It may not be pleasing as it sounds but the Wet Market is a great avenue documenting people through the photograph. It showcases individual behaviors and character as well as the rich and diverse cultural aspect of a Country.