New signage
by Ruud Dumas
It's happened a long time ago!
It was in march 2012 and I was there by chance.
I saw a lot going on, so I was triggered to go there and take pictures.
At that time I was using a Nikon D3100 with a 18-105mm kit lens.

Home: Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Age: 48 years young
Profession: Customer service employee
Calling in life: Photography
Hobby: Photography, music and art
Last book read: Siddharta by Herman Hesse
Last Accomplishment: No accomplishment
Favorite quote: Laat het leven op je afkomen zoals die komt, anders komt hij toch niet (dutch quote) Let life come at you as it comes, otherwise it won't come
Profile: mainly black and white, interested in people (street or portrait)
Favorite drink: Baileys