Freedom to be
by Mario Barrela
I've been doing photography for a while, we could call it street photography (I personally don't like borders), but I realized that in order to evolve or improve I need to do projects.
In this first project of mine, I wanted to show you not the demonstration or the parade, but the pride party/camp.
This festival takes place a week after the parade and serves to celebrate the freedom of being able to be whoever we want. It was quite fun, I took pictures at will without ever being asked what I was doing (unlike other parties).
I noticed that joy of someone who wants to be what makes sense and not what society almost forces them to be. Lots of music, lots of smiles, some drinks 😊, beautiful, friendly people, no complexes and friends, yes I made some.
What I bring with me as a message is above all: Freedom to be!
Freedom to be as we want, Freedom to think as we want, Freedom to wear what we want... and above all... Freedom to be happy.