Unfortunate Side Of São Paulo
by Frans Kemper
Long thoughts and several re-writes… and still not sure what the right words are… There are no right words, I guess…
But when I see these situations, I always remember the wise and philosophic words of my dad:
“You can never be smart enough in choosing your parents”
My dad always had something philosophic to say… The homeless human beings, did they choose wisely?
I never asked and will never know. Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. It doesn’t matter, they are here. Amongst us… More in some places, less in others…
I could never bring myself to make images of the homeless, regardless of how “good” the image would be. Then there was a healthy discussion on the subject in the Progressive Street Gang, and that made me think some more. Finally, I came to the conclusion that it has to be shown.
It is a reality and it is street. But it should be in the right context. The context of showing the world about the less fortunate human beings amongst us, even in so-called first-world countries, and not in the context of “look-what-a-great-image”. But strong images that make us think, and maybe strong enough to make us act!
I hope that this little photo essay helps somehow in realizing what we have and they don’t.
And then I am talking about a roof, food, bathroom, etc. And not iPhone, Leica, etc.
You get my drift. And then maybe thinking, what can I do about it. Even something little, even something human. Countless small actions can make a difference and can make the world a better place.
Many little sips also can make you drunk… (My dad again…)
So, I did it and I said it. The unfortunate side of my city of residence: São Paulo, Brazil.
(Some images might be disturbing)