Where the streets have no face
by Neville Fan
As many of my friends know me I love shooting people kaleidoscopic variety of expression and especially in black and white. Actually I still love to!
However, this time I show another extreme of my ongoing collection which is thoroughly chalk and cheese. “Can I capture daily street characters without facial expression but still intriguing? ”.
From this moment, I have started this series for several years which I find it very intriguing and challenging. “Hilarious”, “extraordinary”, “unusual”, “intriguing”, “coincidence” and “storytelling” are all the words I wish I can use to illustrate my shots in this series and hope you could have them discovery. You can find I try to hide the characters’ expressions in several ways, e.g. headless, hiding face, replacement of faces, and you can explore more.
These extractions are a small part of my series and still developing and ongoing. I shoot with colours as it adds more impact on the subjects’ behaviours without explicit recognition of their expression. You wouldn’t recognize who they are and I can escape from the privacy issue or portrait right (laughing).
Don’t be misunderstood! I respect the privacy and portrait right very much but sometimes some people just abuse them very much and this is really a very controversial issue in public area photo taking.
The caption by no means take advantage of U2 famous song, in fact, I unconsciously sang the lyrics while I began to sort out the photos, then it comes to the derivative caption.
“Try some difference” and “Usual unusual” are my recent notion in my work! Hope you enjoy!
Neville Fan