My very productive foggy excursion
by Bruce Saille
I woke up the morning of January 25th around quarter to five. I looked out the window and saw that it was extremely foggy. I got dressed, grabbed my camera and was out the door.
I decided to set my ISO at 5000 and just see what I could do with a handheld, no tripod, which is not my normal way of shooting. The first thing I saw right out my door was a beautifully lit, foggy street with a full moon peeking through the clouds. I quickly took a few frames before the moon disappeared. I walked further and saw my second shot and then I was shooting a third shot of a lit street when then this man came walking down the street on his way to work heading right into my shot.
After that, I started to believe that the photo Gods were with me. I crossed the street to our community park and was surprised by this swing set that had good light coming in from the side. I started walking back home and was intrigued by a house emitting smoke from its chimney and was backlit by the local gas station. My final shot of the morning was a garage that was right behind me. When I got home, I thought I had a productive start to my day and was very pleased with what I shot.
The sun came up and most of the fog lifted. But when the sun set, the fog returned.
I decided I would go and photograph in the small city of Plymouth, which is about 15 minutes from my home. I headed out the door this time with my tripod. I knew that the first shot I wanted to make was at an intersection controlled by traffic lights on the edge of Plymouth. Shortly after I made the shot that I was satisfied with, it began to rain. It wasn’t heavy rain so I went downtown to see what else I might find. My last shots of the day were taken underneath a parking structure.
I’ve seen this area many times during the day but never at night. I made a few different shots and decided that since the rain wouldn’t stop, I would call it a day. I hope you enjoy these shots as much as I do.