Respect is part of a project of human narratives. The glass box in which the protagonist is closed makes her free in front of the lens, so you can understand her secrets.
There is a moment when tranquillity becomes more than lack of tension; when the gesture finds stability, the pupil lets the last residue go. It is a rebirth, or even more: it is the announcement that the violence has been neutralized and it falls to the ground like a clumsy, oversized dress. Now useless.
The photographic sequence you are observing follows this process of neutralization. It was necessary to reconstruct its moments to move on. But this time, behind the blurry glass of the conscience which is moving forward. Eyes we do not see, but whose gaze suffers through us. Arms pressing memories on the surface.
Photography can capture the feelings, shades and symbols of this unfolding, presenting them with the same urgency of communication, here and now: the happiness of the victim no longer victim, in a rediscovered spontaneity. Softness is discretion and respect: the fragile diaphragm of the lens - and glass - as the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus.
The record of the torments is left to the words of the protagonist; the photographic series accompanies and interprets this truth in ten acts: a complete series of images, which dissolves softly – as if lost into a remote sphere – to be observed from a distance.
Under the reassuring label 'Anti-Violence Project': the images, one by one; the flickering of her palms, the hands supporting her head, the crook of her neck.
Serenity comes out of violence: we know it; we can guess it.
The two women together, photographer and model, condemn violence: their agreement; image and corporeality; giving in and holding back, towards freedom.
Galleria Celeste - Contrà XX Settembre 56 - Vicenza
February 22 - March 31 / 2015
Il progetto di denuncia della violenza sulle donne nasce da Batsceba Hardy, artista milanese residente a Berlino, che presenta alla Galleria Celeste di Vicenza la sua ricerca visuale: dieci scatti in sequenza, una giovane racchiusa in una scatola di vetro per raccontare il gesto di rifiuto della vittima. Altre otto artiste concorrono all'esposizione che si terrà fino alla fine di marzo nel suggestivo spazio: Gilda Pisan con assemblaggi materici; Rita Pierangelo con sguardi iperralistici; Caterina Romano si esprime attraverso la fotografia-coreografia, Elena Ester Accardo con archetipi ancestrali mentre Gaia Lionello si affida a immagini "ieratiche-ultravedenti" ed Elizabetta Roan esplora il femminile con le "finestre dell'anima". Le opere caleidoscopiche a quattro mani di Astrid Paola Rosa ed Erika Fondasi concludono questo lungo itinerario nell'universo femminile: violato, recuperato, difeso a oltranza.
La modella sotto vetro per dire 'no'
Google Maps 2015