by George Koulouridis
Sibyl the Cymaea and Sibyl the Libyan. Sibyl the Erythraean and Sibyl the Persian. So much and such is the power of the image and the Myth, that even their names, even though they are only toponymic adjectives, sound like magical chants, mysterious incantations on the speech-thirsty lips of fearful and horrified humanity, prayers and chants, pleading and secret appeals, of a world on the brink of the abyss, of a world that is turning to learn its fate, yesterday, today and always, but especially when the times are dark, the troubled present aches, the drums of war sound and History gallops non-stop.
Sibyls, daughters of time and mothers of the timeless, lovers of God and nurturers of man, women of Myth and History.
*Text is translated part from the dedication to the work «Sibylla» of Angelos Sikelianos by Theodosis Volkof.